Wow, this is really so wonderful!!! Ringana released the new line of products specifically for babies and toddlers at the big live event (called Next) this weekend.

I watched live from home and burst into joy. In fact, right from the start, i.e. ever since I became a fresh partner, I wished that there were also products especially for children. For a long time I’ve been toying with the idea that I’d love to recommend products for children as well.

After all, not only am I totally in love and infatuated with my children, but I have also worked with children professionally. Their well-being and also a healthy environment for their future are particularly important to me. And yes, it may be that these cuddle mom hormones (also called oxytocin) ensure that I prefer to spend half the day just thinking about them and what I can do them good.

That’s why I’m really happy that I can now also use baby products for my family and also offer them to my customers. From March 2023 on you can get more information and the possibility to order baby care here.

Which Ringana baby products are there?

For now there is children’s shampoo, which is also a children’s shower bath at the same time, bottom cream and also a bottom foam for cleaning the sweetest little bottom that you have in front of you several times a day. Also a baby massage oil. Here you can find all Ringana baby care products in the shop.

Why use Ringana Baby products?

Our babys have very soft skin but it also has not developped it`s full barrier. Therefore it needs protection. Especially in the diaper area the skin is very sensitive and due to wettness it can easily get red. The baby bum cream helps to protect this sensitive skin area to avoid redness and inflamations.

Also our skin is our biggest organ and toxins from the wrong care products can get into the blood stream. So to protect your little one you want to focus on using organic baby care with ingredients that are non harmfull.

Ringana only uses ingredients with medical quality for their baby care products. Also, as always, all baby products are free of micropastics, mineral oils, they are vegan and organic.

Do you have questions or want to know more about Ringana? Then send me an email to

Working with Ringana as a mom or dad

Do you wish could could do work that is meaningful and also addapts perfectly to you life as a parent? Do you wish you could work online or at a scedule that fits your childrens needs? And do you love the fresh skincare from Ringana?

Then why not think about joining our ringana partner family. Here you can read how you can become a ringana partner. And you can always send me a message. I would love to answer all your questions or hop on a zoom call with you.

Hi, I am Anna. Mom of two, nature lover and Ringana fresh partner.

*The links in this blog article lead to my Ringana partner shop. For every order through my shop I get a commission. I would like to thank all my customers for their trust, contribution to the environment and support.

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